Friday, April 26, 2013

What's Up Friday? (WUW #5)

Yeah, it's been a busy week. And all of it has been non-writing life busy. So my total word count since my last update is... 4532. That looks good, but after a week and a half I should have more. :(

I'm hoping to get some words in tonight. I've been dying to write because I'm ramping up for the first big battle scene in which epic things will happen and it will be sad and EPIC. I'm a little scared to write such a big scene. And this will be my first time writing a space battle, but it will be fun.

Also, I believe I've reached the point in this current WIP where I gave up on my last one. That first draft of the first manuscript was about 42K words long and I've passed that mark already in Moon Dragons. And I still have a long way to go. I'm wondering if this is going to end up being a series or something. Well just have to wait and see.

Thank you for reading and have a great weekend!

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