When I first came up with this story I thought I could do the whole thing in third person limited with just one voice. I got about half way through and realized that wouldn't work. So I did a few experimental chapters in another character's voice. Then I thought, "Okay, 2 voices, I can do that." So then I decided to skip some random character building stuff that would happen in the middle of the story and jumped straight to the end.
I finished that ending by May 26th. Then I went and talked to a trusted person who I've mentioned way too many times in my blogs from Absolute Write Forums and he helped me to realize that I have a third and maybe even a fourth voice I should consider using.
So in the end, did I finish the first draft? If by first draft you mean I have a full skeleton of a story with some juicy bits of flesh clinging to it, then yes. But if you mean, do I have a fully fleshed out body that just needs some hair, make up and nice clothes, then no. (by the way, I'm planning on some post in the future that talk more about that fun imagery I just gave you).
Anyway, because of some vacation plans that involved parents visiting and an early celebration of Daniel and mine's third wedding anniversary, I have not looked at my WIP in close to two weeks. I plan on picking it back up again on Monday and starting to revise what I have and add some more juicy flesh to this body of work.
So now's it's time for a new deadline! I will give my self a full month to revise and add what is needed so that I can call this a first real draft. So, I will have a completed first draft done by Saturday, July 9, 2011! Wish me luck!
How are you doing on the July 9th deadline?