Friday, July 29, 2011

Revising & New Project

So, as promised, I finished my first rough draft of my manuscript A white Crow Novel (bad working title) last weekend. It was a glorious day and I spent it running around the internet and proclaiming my joy. Those of you who know me in real life, on Facebook, Twitter, AW and the like, were witnesses to that. :P So yeah, starting tonight I will begin revisions (gotta by ink for the printer before I can start).

And I've come up with my next project. White Crow is Urban Fantasy (UF) but my new project is Science Fiction (Sci-Fi). And not just Sci-Fi, but epic Sci-Fi. As in, has no bases in Earth, more like Star Wars ("A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...") That's a pretty big shift in genres.

While I'm excited about this new project (from here on it shall be known as the WIP) this shift in topics is a little crazy and is requiring me to do a lot of ground work before I can begin writing. World/galaxy building takes a lot of time and research and Sci-Fi is always research heavy. Got to have a lot of basic science/space facts right before you just start making stuff up.

Anyway, so my new writing schedule will look like this. In the mornings when Will is napping I'll work on the WIP. And then in the evening, once Daniel is home, I will work on editing/revising White Crow. I'm planning on finishing a scene a day, so... *checks calendar* if I do that I should have a 2nd draft done by Oct. 6 (this is not counting weekends, I hardly get any writing done on the weekend)

As for the new WIP, I'm not going to set any solid dates on that yet since it's still in the planning stages. But I'll shoot for being ready to write by the end of August.

So, to summarize, I will have the 2nd draft of White Crow finished by October 6th. And I will be ready to write the 1st draft of the Sci-Fi WIP by the end of August.

Alrighty then, that should do it. Writing down goals is super helpful, trust me on that.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Deadline overdue.

Yeah... I didn't meet that July 9th deadline. Life and stuff got in the way. Plus I ended up adding a couple new scenes so it would have taken longer anyway. BUT, I do have just 3 scenes left of this first draft. So I will finish it this weekend! I swear!

Then I get to start the fun revising part, which I really don't know how to do. :) I've never finished the first draft of a manuscript before so now I'll be swimming through all new waters and that's a little bit scary. I've got an idea of how I'll go about it, so we'll try that and see how it goes.

So writer type people, what's your process for revising/editing?

Thanks for reading! Love you all!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Deadline Approaching

So I set the deadline to have the complete first draft done by July 9th and I'm happy to report that I will meet it. :)

Also I wanted to share a picture of my cork board filled with neon colored index cards of awesomeness.

Yep, there's my master piece. I've heard about this idea of mapping out your story on index cards before but I really like how Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell explained it. So I tried it out and that's what I got. The different colors are different characters. It makes me happy to look at it while I'm working.

So I only have 6 more scenes to write out of 49, that's 87% complete. :D Plus, yesterday, I got a pretty good idea on a second book. I didn't think this would turn into a series, but this idea is too good to pass up.

So that's all folks! Thanks for reading, love you all!